1. Social media strategy

Are there clearly defined and communicated goals for the social media team? (as an example: numeric sales, applications, leads, people addressed,...)
Are there target groups focused on the goals?
Is there a platform selection based on the goals?
Is there a topic planning based on the goals?
Is there a content strategy geared to the goals?

2. Social media content

Is there a branding guideline?
Is a one-size-fits-all strategy being followed across all channels?
Wird der Content mit dem Fokus auf die Zielgruppen konzipiert und produziert?
Is the priority of social media content on 9:16 videos?
Is an external content tool used for operationalization? (e.g. Hootsuite, Falcon.io,...)

3. Social media data analysis

Are social media activities measured?
At what pace are the data analyses carried out?
Does a data dashboard exist? (e.g. Looker Studio, PowerBI,...)
Are social media activities evaluated and reported on a KPI basis?
Are recommendations for action actively derived and implemented from the findings?

4. Paid social ads

Are there clearly defined and communicated goals?
Is there a clear media plan?
Is there a separation between post pushing and campaigns?
Are paid social activities measured?
Are recommendations for action actively derived and implemented from the findings?

5. Team structure and tasks

How big is the marketing team?
Does your own social media team exist?
Who leads the social media team?
Is the social media content produced in-house or externally?
Is there a separation between organic and paid social measures in the team?

6. Agency management

Are agencies/freelancers used?
How many different agencies/freelancers are employed in general?
Is a full-service agency employed?
Is a dedicated social media agency employed?
Is social media consulting used?

7. Contact details

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