Elevate in a nutshell

Making Social 

Elevate Advertising is not a classic social media marketing agency, rather, we define ourselves as an innovative Strategy Consultancy that combines the best of both worlds.

Our aim is to support companies in using, understanding and optimizing social media effectively.
In concrete terms, this means minimizing costs and effort while maximizing output.

We achieve this by helping companies to challenge, develop and expand their internal social media team, structures and processes.
And more broadly, by developing cutting-edge communication strategies to help our clients achieve their goals in the most effective way.

Our Why

“Unleashing the potential of those who move the world forward”


Why are we doing all this?
We see social media as THE emotional multiplier in the digital media mix to reach individual target groups.

Just as a means to an end to achieve its business goals as a company, nothing more, but also nothing less.
Genauso als Mittel zum Zweck um als Unternehmen seine Geschäftsziele zu erreichen, nicht mehr, aber auch nicht weniger. 

Kein Medium schafft es dabei so stark, die Menschen zu faszinieren, zu unterhalten und gleichzeitig zu gezielten Handlungen zu bewegen. Und birgt so für unsere Kunden ideale Voraussetzungen, um ihre Ziele zu erreichen. 

Wir sind dafür da, das Potenzial derjenigen freizusetzen, die die Welt voranbringen.

Our how

We are the trustworthy partner for our customers and see ourselves as a generalistic expert for modern social media.

We combine this know-how of our strategic consultants with our operational managers — who implement the various measures with our external experts from the network. We achieve this using state of the art strategies and out of the box implementations, here at Elevate and in our Expert Network.

Dieses Zusammenspiel - aus einer klaren und strategischen Beratung Perspektive, bestehend aus den Werten Objektivität, Ehrlichkeit und Individualität und einem operativen Wissenspool von führenden Digital Experten, ist unsere Vision von Social Media Marketing im Jahr 2024.

Our what

We are the reliable partner of industry leaders who plan to reveal their full social media potential to achieve their goals.

To this end, we advise our customers on strategic ,  constantly set and help with operations for maximum effectiveness.We define clear strategies and recommendations based on a holistic evaluation approach in order to enable our customers to transfer all the attributes that make their exceptional brands unique in the physical world, into the modern world of the social web. In order to achieve their business goals in the long term and sustainably.


We think outside the box
We understand the complex relationships between the various digital marketing disciplines. We manage to maintain transparent independence and objectivity with our clients in order to work with them to develop strategies to achieve their goals as effectively and efficiently as possible.

We understand the relevance of data
The collection, preparation and evaluation, primarily in a creative context, and use this for effective recommendations for action within future projects.

We operate effectively and agilely
In today's world of the social web, responsiveness and speed determine virality and ultimately success.
Our competence structure represents an agile and innovative implementation of state of the art social media operations by following an internal, generalistic approach at the start and external, individual specialists during implementation.


curious? Let's Elevate together!